

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Union":

Now thats what we should be hearing ,BUT WILL YOU stand by your words? ther is no doubt that GB Oils are now testing you, take this insult of no wage increase , and i garantee you the next you face is , bye the way boys we are changing your terms and conditions ,WHY? well because we can so, f**k you as allways, sick pay is now 14 days max etc,etc etc, i had a driver say to me just the other day, if i vote for industrial action then They will find some way of getting me, Whimp! get out of the Union because you are wasting your time and money ,let GB OILS s**t all over you ,after all you have no back bone, so come on WORKMATES , FELLOW DRIVERS, PEOPLE THATS ARE STILL PROUD YOU ARE SEVERAL HUNDRED! FOR CHRIST SAKE i know we are not the only ones in this company who do a job , But we are the ones that get s**t on the most , so get on and do something about it NOW , show this S***E,so called management what you are made of , or be s**t on AGAIN,

let me know how you feel by leaving comments so we know where we stand , be proud LADS not whimps like i work with , lets see how many balls GB OILS DRIVERS HAVE?



  1. Furious driver9:39 PM

    Well said that man. Everyone in my depot is prepared to take action NOW! Lets show them that we mean business. Come on lads get behind your steward and stand together!!!

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    im with you mate ! and i dont want work to rule ! all out ! its the only way ! and the sooner the better !

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Today i recieved my letter of BULL SHIT, i took of my glasses and read between the lines and it went like this
    1 forget any back pay award

    2 more bull shit about how difficult it is to sort all the different pay scales because we didn,t realise how many ther are,

    3 now we promise the lower scales next to f**k all and the others well just f**k all

    4 now its now summer nearly we have the drivers split , its not busy so go on strike if you want, because we have spent the last 4 months shafting you , and dont give a toss,

    5 message to all stewards and Ron Webb , Ball rolling , do it now and dont stop or these lot are going to shaft, get us on the gates ASAP, ballot now don,t wait any longer if you do i wont be able to afford my Union fees any more.

    Fraser your doing a great job and all the other stewards put on the waal please Fraser
    then this is my last rant, lets see some from others regards OILYBOY

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    ive said it for years now that one day we are going to have to take on the pie eater ! the time has now come ! and if we dont it will get a lot worse for us !! so come on lads lets stick together and when the Ballot comes please back our union !

  5. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I agree we should take action if we can all stick togeather but we know that won't happen as too many pepole in this company are yes men but these drivers need to consider they are only as good as their last delivery you make a f**k up and your down the road like the rest of us

  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    now boys now


  7. Anonymous11:44 PM

    This whole thing stinks we wont stick together, and untill we unite they will never take us seriously. we have 4 drivers in our depot who wont strike cos there shit scared of there own shadow and we've all heard them, when the company say shit they ask how high and which shovel do you want me to use.2 of them in the past can't answer for now even given access the the company system (drivers for god sake)The company love us and laugh every time theres a stewards meeting or they send any letters out. Personally we can rant and rave all we want we aint gunna get nothing done we can't even have a drivers meeting without us all stabbing at each other. (thats moral for you)

  8. Anonymous12:01 AM

    when the union reps are going into work on a saturday to help the company out when we have lost drivers what chance as the rest of the work force got, your ment to be there to set a president if everyone is going to strike it needs to be now and not may when its quite..... the company treating us like shit they giving us work as if the roads are bone dry...they send safty bulletins out saying u must do this you must do that then give driver 18 or 19 calls when the wheather is at its worst..... we are all getting screwed and its not going to change unless we do something now

  9. We need to balot right now.
    while we will have an affect if we go on the gate.
    They just lie.

  10. Anonymous7:57 PM

    As a shop steward for G.B oils, i am very disappointed in the attitude of the work force in G.B oils in 2010 , We have worked our Arse`s off with no pay and a big fu**ing bill , to get us in a position to achieve some kind of pay structure for 2009 .when Drivers are happy to have no pay increase for 2 1/2 years .I think that some of the Drivers are just very grateful that they can got a job in the oil industry . It will not be long until we have too take on these vehicles on a owner driver baisis , when it comes to that then we will be completely fu**ed.When will it become evident to these Drivers that we as a unit have to maintain some kind of standard ,and stand up as MEN and not just a number that take`s a pittance home to there Families
