
I'm all right Jack

There were no changes to the other remuneration arrangements for executive Directors during the year ended 31 March 2013, save for an increase in the bonus potential for Donal Murphy from 75% to 100% of base salary. This increase was based on exceptional circumstances relating to the delivery of significant growth opportunities in the Energy division for which he has responsibility. See its all one man not you workers at the hard end

Operating profit increased to €229 million (+21.3% on a constant currency basis) primarily reflecting
the strong performances in DCC Energy, driven by a return to colder winter weather conditions
compared to the very mild weather conditions in the prior year.

The Group anticipates strong growth in operating profit in the year to 31 March 2014.

so you lot get out there and make more???????????????


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    seeing as the company making so much money out of us,we really need to stick together over the payrise ballot has already gone back.if we dont make a stand now then eveyone might just as well come out of the union and let the company do whatever they like,as they have done up to now.last chance to put your feelings forward.I've never heard one person in 7 depots say they like the way this company treats employees and customers alike..

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    doesn't anyone read this blog anymore?oh well gonna have my whinge s.s.e we behind on budget.what do they do.stop overtime,that's ok but surely if you are 1/2 a mile from 2 jobs & the max time it add to your time is an hour,it must be worth paying £15 to make £200 on some of the margins they have!!!!who thought up the new "click" system,doesn't work.very good at seeing figures butwhen on your route you cant top up tanks cause you gotta make sure you got enough for your last job(fair enough in busy times) cause you lose points on click system if you drop over course of day youcould have delivered an extra 1000 to those first lot of jobs and dropped 1 job,do it tomorrow.made money on the extra delivered.another matterthe routing is totally useless.the guy will take you outside if you say anything to just fob it off.difficult job to do ,i admit,but when 2 drivers turn up and deliver to neighbours there gotta be somethng wrong.dunno if it got anything to do with pace managers and pace router?morale is so low in the region from sales through to drivers. it doesn't help you in your job when people feel so low about the company they work for.i think incidents are up,possibly the reason..had my whinge for now,be good to get some feedback on how other regions are or comments from my own region or am i the only one feels lke this.

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Im also a S.S.E. driver and with regards to the routing, if I or any other employee threatened to "take you outside" we would be dismissed on the spot. If there was an entry in the Oxford Dictonary for "Arse Hole" it would probably say, router for certas energy .Today a colleague from my depot delivered to a customer DEAD opposite to one I delivered to. Moral at my depot is pretty low too ,especially when our D.O.M disbelieves anything we say and as most of our ring befores don't get done we have no option to bring drops back

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Certas routers are the biggest pile of shit ever and are costing this company a fortune but on the bright side I earn more money for delivering less fuel and if they can't see it don't tell them "ker ching" ��

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Really can't believe that the uniun members have agreed the pay offer.we're gonna get f.... over now. Hasn't been a busy winter 'company will be looking at cost cutting.rumours already that 2 depots up for closure south of the thames.but I'm sure the old pace depot be o.k. even though very limited storage capacity.depends on where the management came from.How can a d.o.m. not get the sack when he carried a phone on a lorry, gross mis-conduct ,I thought.

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    R.E.8.06's comment.Our router is backed by the manager's.The area operations manager won't do anything about it ,even though every depot complains .our's does as he pleases.If you should happen to ask to finish early for an appointment,you'll end up with more work than anyone else in your depot.we where asked which area we would prefer to do to help getting the oil out more efficintly,guess what everywhere but...Keep saying this job cannot be done before 9a.m,what happens,first drop time &time again.should go there and sit around for couple demoralizing,just want to get get job done best way possible but won't happen with the current lot in charge of S.S.E.It's all about figures on paper.As long as all the jobs get some oil &none returned looks brilliant.doesn't matter that you could have delivered an extra 2000 litres through the day .thought that was the motto "every litre counts"

  6. Anonymous11:06 PM

    so all of us in s.s.e knows its "johnno" who pisses us all off but nothing ever done about him. Agree with above (8.49) ask for early finish at your peril. Yes it Really is all about Pace and no one else. The thing to do is play their own game and follow our routing to the letter and if we have a commercial for our first drop then go snd sit for th e2 or 3 hours until they open. then either bring back drops or get overtime . Here in the S.S.E. its not certas energy but PACE PACE PACE

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      yes he is a vindictive little s....the worrying thing though is the pace lot will make sure they keep there old depots looking good ,whilst bringing others down.wonder if that's why other depots lose work to edenbridge as it appears the rest around it pick up the crap jobs.totally different when he on holiday,get someone with a bit of sense doing the routing in an un-biased way.

  7. Anonymous8:54 PM

    makes you wonder How Edenbridge has been kept open as they have crap storage, always running out of product, very difficult access, get one artic in and your buggered. Oh I forgot ,its a pace depot

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    So the Union has accepted Certas's pay offer without a members vote!. What happened to MY ballot paper.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      how is it that edenbrige hasn't had ts storage tanks checked for nearly 15 years.they have all got to be replaced.who was in charge of the maintenence procedure?meant to be done every 10 years .was our own mr.c.j. in charge.imagine what would happen if it had been a manual worker had done something major like that..GOODBYE me thinks.

  9. Anonymous7:28 PM

    So whos on the new shift system on the six wheelers? whats the terms etc as all the
    scuttle butt suggests there are differences in pay,hours etc
    im in the south west and it has been said we will be offered it !!!!
    would be good to hear from someone.

  10. Anonymous9:22 PM

    not heard a Dickie about any new shift system here in the south east but that is no supprise..Our DOM is an absolute Arse hole and every time he opens his mouth lies and bullshit fall out

  11. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Hope you are all going to the road shows next week. 6o miles from home at 17.30 after your two loads for the day !!!!!!!! see you there.......I think not.

  12. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Who Knows why the DOM from Heathfield has been suspended?

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      What I'd like to know is when will c.jones gets some balls & sort the useless bas.... out whom supposedly does the routing,We all know they are very pally,fair enough but if you're a manager then the first priority is to put things right.what does c. j do,sets up a routing presentation in november then cancels it as we so busy,really in november,never.The DOM's are not allowed to say anything against him.every driver under his area complain how poorly its done.working it out over a week I did 40 to 50 miles less than his route by routing it better.that without going back to the same road the following day'.even on one route you have two houses next to each other ,but doing his way you'd go half mile up the road then come back and do the neighbour.back tothe figres,50 miles a lorry ,7 miles pergallons X 4.54litres x 15 lorry's x £1.30 x 52 weeks.approx £32000. in fuel alone.thats without the extra hours working can a company that looks at every penny let this go on.sorry forgot pace management,pace router.he has always been protected when the routing has been mentioned.the routing is f...... terrible.everybody has an off day but his is every frigging day .doesn't matter what we say .he run's to c.j. whom then says there ,there john I'll sort it out ,think what would happen to a driver if he was this bad day in day out

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    And a VERY merry Christmas to ALL management of Certas Energy, and a BIG thank you for your Thank you message for working so hard over the past year and the Chocolates and bottle, thank you thank you thank you.........or did I dream it ???
