


On Thursday 3rd June a meeting was held at the Unite office in Holborn, London to discuss this year's pay review for the driver workforce within GB Oils.
I first invite you all to view this page;
In anyone's book these are fantastic figures considering that GB Oils imposed a pay freeze last year (despite huge profits the previous year), because the forecast for the year ending April 2010 was not good. Now the union is being told that once again things are not looking good and the company cannot afford to give a decent pay award to it's drivers.
The mindset of the drivers is quite clear. You did not get a pay award of any kind last year and yet despite this, worked your butts off during one of the coldest winter for over 30 years, earning GB Oils vast profits. The expectation is that the company would recognise that you the drivers didn't "rock the boat" when you could have in December and that they would take these things into consideration when this years pay award came around.
How wrong can you be?
As I understand it, the company are offering you 3% for this year(which equates to 1.5% for each of the last 2 years), or 5% over the next 2 years(which equates to 1.66% for each of the last 2 years and next year) bearing in mind that RPI is currently 5.4% and the group have just posted profits of 192.8 million euros and have a revenue of 6.725 billion euros.
Your shop steward will shortly be visiting all members at their depots and explaining the offer in detail and asking for your views on it. You will then have the opportunity to vote whether to accept or reject it. Your union strongly recommends that you reject it resoundingly.
The ball is now in your court. You have been asking for the opportunity to voice your opinion and to be balloted. This is your chance to have your say. If you choose not to back your stewards the consequences could be catastrophic!



  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    1.66% thats what they think we are worth while management no doubt have got large bonus's over the last 3 years at our expence.But their will no doubt be drivers whom think this is a good deal and vote to accept it.Either because they are up the managements arse or they think they might lose their job.Think the way this company operates do you really think you would be here if you were'nt needed unless of course you work in an office within this company

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    your rite mate ! but i think there are a few drivers that work for gb oils that could not do anything else ! they know it and so do the management !

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    hey would that be the hfo boys by any chance mate?????

  4. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Some but not us all

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM

    defo the ones in inverness !

  6. Anonymous8:04 PM

    only 2 off them !!

  7. Anonymous9:14 PM

    sorry i cant answer cos steve hasnt told me to

  8. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Back in November/December G.B.Oil management staff prayed for a bad winter,it was said at the time that it was only a pay pause , because of the predictions for 2010. When they got exactly what they wanted the told us to FUCK OFF now good work for last year now( piss off)

  9. Anonymous10:32 PM

    There is at least a few drivers that think there big experienced drivers but they haven't got a clue and would be fucked if they weren't working in G.B Oils BIG TRUCKER MY ARSE
