

This is a Joint Statement issued following a meeting of GB Oils Ltd and UNITE, on 17th December 2009.

The purpose of this meeting was to further discuss and agree the structure of the National Negotiating Committee (NNC) and Framework.

The parties agreed that the Committee would consist of elected representatives from each Region:-

Scotland - 2
Northern - 2
Southern -3

(Pending elections, an interim committee will continue to work on the framework. The interim committee representatives are Ian Gill, Uisdean Menzies, Simon Moran, Glyn Cox, Steve McGrath, Chris Pulling and Colin Hodgkins)

The NNC members will be supported by their Regional Industrial Organisers and a second tier of shop stewards. (see diagram attached).

The Company had produced a draft Framework for the Committee and the NNC members will meet on 22 January 2010 to review the suggested content.

The suggested Framework includes an agreement to hold 2 formal consultation meetings per year, but the Union have requested that the Company review this and consider holding 4 quarterly meetings. The Company will respond at the next meeting.

The Union have agreed to provide the Company with a list of all Shop Stewards and the locations that they will support for both this and all other industrial relation matters.

The Union will also provide the Company with details of potential training courses available so that the Company and the Union can agree a bespoke training programme for the NNC members.

All parties will reconvene on 2nd February 2010 in London.

On behalf of GB Oils: On behalf of UNITE:

Head of HR UK Group Transport Manager National Secretary

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