

I was a Scottish Fuels driver but recently left because i never had a wagon for 7 months,i was given all sorts of promises,when i finaly got a vehicle it wasn,t fit to be on the road and i wasn,t prepared to drive it,yes it was my choice to leave and i was lucky enough to find another job,where i have been given a vehicle fit to do the job.i once thought Scottish Fuels was a cut above the rest and once it was,now i find it hard to get my head round what is been allowed to happen by senior management, to this company.there loosing good drivers who are going to there competitors and no-one seems to care,the senior management are totaly out of touch with whats going on,the gb-oils monster has got to big.when dcc first took over b.p SAM CHAMBERS ACTUALLY TOLD ME DCC WAS AN EMPLOYEE FRIENDLY COMPANY,AND ONCE IT WAS,NOW I WONDER IF SAM KNOWS HOW BAD THINGS ARE.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Well Mr SAM CHAMBERS do you know ?.If you do please post on the site and let us drivers know where we stand.
    Oh Merry Xmas to all.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    they will post nothing but redundancies ignoring the people on the ground who have to put up with a substandard transport policy managers and routers giving you piles of work that cant be done in a legal days work[ie breaking speed limit all day and every day 12 hours plus a day] come december 17 and theres no pay rise [they have seen their cronies and themselves ok so sod us]it will be 8hrs and home and they can sort out the customers who miss out on their fuel as theres abig difference between 8hrs at 40mph and 12hrs at50mph

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Well said I think most will agree with your comment

  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Well let tell the boss Donal Murphy wants going on with is work force in the UK can the Union not go to the top of the tree? insted of the branches.

  5. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Dcc is to big and is buying up to many companys they have just brought pace and total where is the monopoly commission when all this is going on or are they in there pocket i am glad i dont work for them they sound like a bunch of tossers

  6. Anonymous10:41 PM

    i was a driver at f peart co for 15 years till this monster came in and turned the place upside down,like above i was driving a wagon that had been apparently scrapped 2 weeks before,so i was driving a veh which was declared scrapped,yet they claim to be realy strict on vehicle roadworthyness lol!!they treat me like shxt for my last 2 mnths till i left and went to an independent company.nearly all gb drivers cant stand who they work for now,they are also worried that 1 mistake and your out the door if they so wish.i hate this company and so do many others,goodluck gb oils drivers.....
