
DCC posts 21% jump in profit yet pays off more drivers!!!!!

 Dublin-based business support services group dcc posted a 21 per cent jump in annual profit, beating its own guidance, after its energy business was boosted by colder winter weather in Britain.
The company, which earlier this month cancelled its Irish listing and is now solely listed in London posted operating profit in the 12 months to the end of March of £229.2 million, which on a constant currency basis was 21.3 per cent higher than the year before.
The company had guided in February that it expected to post operating profit of £222 million for the year. Just have a look at page 90 and see just who gets all the money not you lot as drivers any way. 


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    ha ha

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    same as usual.not making enough in these tough times to give all staff a decent pay rise

  3. i have just been looking at the latest profit figures released by dcc. of course the average % rise in directors pay has been made by shrewd business management!!that is if you count the amount of redundancies as good management and the fantastic pay rises that where given to the workers. 1% compared to an average of 2.7% for directors. i suppose i can sit back and not worry as i am retired from dcc but it angers me that you as union members are not being treated right. i dont have a magic wand to wave but i do believe that you as union members need to stop taking all this shite and stand together againest a management that have no respect for you or your families,
    shown by the % rises they are giving. craig rea retired shop steward.

  4. this is the second time i have tried to enter a blog so here is hoping.
    2.7% to directors. 1% to drivers!!
    make drivers redundant.
    increase number of drops.
    try to cut benefits to drivers.
    drivers working longer hours.
    these are a few of the good management decisions made by the directors to ensure they recieved their 2.7% i have said before i am retired from dcc so it does not effect me but i worry about the effect on you as drivers and your families. craig rea. retired shop steward.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Hi, Sorry for jumping in on this thread but I'm new to this Blog Site and cannot work out if it is possible for me to start a new topic and, if so, how..? or who do I contact to start one for me. I have some very interesting information to share with you all about our pensions.

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Are we GB Oils Drivers getting a wage increase this year or not we have not heard anything from the company or the Union why do we pay our Union Memberships ???.

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    When are you going to change the name of this site ?now need to incorperate Certas energy,.partly a latin name ,certainly -certainty.Well with there 3 tier pricing policy they will certainly still be ripping off those that are loyal customers by 20 odd pence per litre .but they pay for the service they get,management tell on 2000 litres they pay £400 more for that service.bit for the letter saying we made a promise to the company at the new brand launch.sorry but what a load of bollocks.our motto is "say with me".sorry thought i'd left kindergarden.a new name doesn't /hasn't changed the way they work.they have an open and honest policy apparently.are they going to tell customers that they're being charged 20p on top for the service when they order .i think not

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Certas energy......surely it is CIRCUS energy

  9. Anonymous11:39 AM

    does it mean more redundancies now Certas Energy have acquired ADVANCE FUELS ???

  10. driver8:21 PM

    answer to anonymous 9.03pm. you should have or will be getting shortly a letter stating the companies final offer re payrise. the offer is as follows:-
    offer up to April 2014 increase in basic pay of £510 this will flow through overtime.
    offer April 2014 to December 2014(9 months) increase in basic pay of £600 this will flow through overtime.
    The next round of pay talks would cover Jan 2015to April 2016.
    The NNC are due to meet again on the 18th November.
