

Need is something that is necessary for humans to live a healthy life.
( I need a pay rise)

Want is something that is desired. It is said that people have unlimited wants, but limited resources. Each person has wants.You must look for the best alternatives which you can afford.
(I want more pay)

Greed in psychology is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
Greed is i have it all but i want yours ?????????????????????

The Union Steward
Who are these of lowly pay
With haggard look and hair of grey?
They get no rest by day or night.
They're always wrong. They're never right.
They do not have a law degree,
But go to bat for you and me.
Though seldom have they been to college,
They must possess the widest knowledge,
Of labor grades and when to grieve,
Vacation pay and sickness leave,
Of overtime and who's to do it,
Of coffeetime and who's to brew it,
The how and which and why and when,
And all the problems of women and men.
If, with forepersons they agree,
Then they're rats who've got weak knees.
If to the workers they try to cater,
They're branded as agitators.
Those who have to take this slop
Are called the STEWARDS of your shop.
- --Anonymous (from The Legal Rights of Union Stewards by Robert M. Schwartz, revised edition 1994)

A shop steward knocked at the heavenly gate
His face was scared and old
He stood before the weigher of his fate
For admission to the fold.
What have you done, Saint Peter said,
To gain admission here?
I've been a shop steward, Sir he said
For many and many a year.
The pearly gate swung open wide,
St. Peter touched the bell
Come in and choose your harp, he said
You've had your share of hell.

--Author Unknown


  1. pissed off steward8:35 PM

    Interesting. I for one will be working this Saturday. Why i hear you ask. Well i'll tell you. Because i'm sick of being moaned at by hypocrits that do 65 hours and then work a Saturday then in their next breath ask me what the union are going to do about the company treating them so badly. Wake up you brainless w¥¤nkers and get a grip

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    i for one won,t be working this sat, because if no one makes any stand we are f***ed i thought at least you would know that or are you saying that we are anyway in that case shall we just stop paying Union fees or shall we try and do something about this???? how about all negotiated increase in wage applies to union members only and none union members can spin on this!!!

  3. Still pissed off7:22 PM

    Well i only wish we could do that. In fact i'm not working this Saturday or any other for that matter, i was just playing devil's advocate. I'm trying to get people to see that unless we stick together this lot will f**k us completely. WE have the power to take them on, because without all of us THEY are completey f***ed...... if only some people realised it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous5:31 PM

    we have been told that as we were sent home early a couple of times due the the severe weather that we will have to do a FULL DAY saturday to make up the hours,No If's But's or Maybe's. You will do as you are TOLD not asked. Never mind your family life, GB Oils is your family.

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    can all drivers moaning about the union and saying what you doing about pay etc just wind their necks in and listen the union are doing what they can legally[it has to] but not getting proper support from workforce a lot are happy to work 14 hour days break speed limits daily work through legal breaks ignore health and safety at deliveries work saturdays till they are coming out of your ears[and gb oils thanks you from the bottom of their heart ha ha] basicaly what i am trying to say is get a grip stick together help yourself by sticking to the fabled drivers manual[if you dont watch out further down the road]take legal breaks dont speed stop saturdays[some people doing 30 drops on a saturday like thats helping matters] so come on put up or shut up could this be posted on main board

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    You only have to work the hours as per your contract, if you wish to do more watch your hours! This company will not back you if caught. Don't do domestic delivery,s in the dark ! It's simple , take your time , don't cut corners, this company says it is good with health and safety? Not it is not, very poor from what I can see. They will push people to the limit to up the profits ! Until this company is run by transport management and not SALESMEN it will only get worse. Happy christmas
