

There are obviously a lot of drivers who have misunderstood the letter sent out by the company over the weekend.
It DOES NOT say that anyone is getting 3%.
It implies that if you are one of the high earners you will get very little and those few who are relatively low earners could get up to 3% but no more.
I don't see any guarentees there, do you? The company also use phrases like "we intend to". Note there that there is no mention of any negotiated compromise regarding your wage rises over the next few years.
They will do as they always do and implement it whether you like it or not and with total and utter contempt for you and your union.
The covering letter that was sent to the union mentions that some employees are due a wage review from January 1st and the company now need to calculate what actual percentage WILL be applied to their salaries in line with the above statement.
Again no mention of a negotiated settlement or any consultation with your union.
Just steam roll straight through all of us trying to represent you and arbitrarily implement what they see fit!
Also note the stock threat that always accompanies these letters. (If you don't roll over we may get rid of some of you).
Well let them!!!!!! They will anyway whenever they like and you taking action against them is going to make no difference at all.
It is now time to take a stand once and for all.
This is corporate bullying in it's most disgraceful and unpleasant guise.

You the membership need to think long and hard in the next few weeks and those that are scared need to hold their nerve because if you don't, the consequences could be absolutely catastrophic for all of us.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Can someone please tell me when the earliest date is that the Union can ballot us the members for industrial action ???? and can we stick to this date regardless of what bollocks these tossers come up with!!!!!!!!!


  2. another pissed off driver9:17 PM

    It will take too long and we dont have the time. We need to stop ALL overtime NOW! Including Saturday working. Get the message across to everyone. The only way we can get to them is to hit them right away

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    yeh come boys lets stand together ! our time has come !
