
Bayford Oil

Hi All, Just in case you haven't heard GB Oils bought Bayford Oil on Friday. About 60 Drivers in approx 6 Depots:Leeds,Sheffield,Immingham,Manchester,Lake District,And Nth Wales. Yet another set of terms and conditions to deal with!!!! Not to mention the possibility of redundancies!!!!!! Regards


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    anybody hear any reference of an emo driver in perth being suspended for overloading

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Yes the news has spread far and wide. I reckon it was a witch hunt and if I didn't know better I'd swear that a certain Scottish gentleman who has become very popular within GB Oils (NOT!!!) is hell bent on upsetting the drivers so much that there will come a point when they will just simply down tools and walk to the gate!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Hi everybody i am a driver with bayfords and a union member since big brothers take over we have heard nothing about the future of bayford drivers other than its business as usual (which means redundancies)
    when the takeover was announced we were in pay negotiations which now seemed to have been shelved so do we now come under gb for pay reviews ?.It would be nice to get in touch with somebody from the union as our shop steward is based elsewhere and communication is lets say not his strong point i believe the union membership with in bayfords is about 60%

  4. Hi Brother
    If you send me your e-mail address at i will pass it on to one of the senior stewards who will get back to you.
    Cheers Fraser
