

Dear Ms Foote

Unite Consultative Ballot for Industrial Action

Following the Company’s decision not to make any pay award to my members for the year 2009 and following your communication to me that clearly indicates a lack of respect and recognition of this Union’s bargaining arrangements with reference to pay claims for the 2010 period, this is to advise you that in conjunction with this Union’s shop stewards nationally, employed by you on those contracts where this Union has Union membership, this Union will be carrying out a consultative ballot on the question of our members taking industrial action in support of their pay claim and terms and conditions of employment and their current bargaining arrangements.

I have to say that from a position where both dialogue and communication was much improved and constructive, that it now appears the Company have moved considerably from both developing good industrial relations with this Union and at the same time not attempting to find agreement with this Union.

We are saddened that we have absolutely no choice now but to move in this direction. Of course, my office is always available for any further discussions that you feel might be helpful within this matter going forward.

Yours sincerely

Ron Webb
National Secretary, Logistics


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    The ball boys is now rolling, and is in YOUR COURT , DO NOT WASTE THIS ONE IT IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!!!! (or move to Poland for a better job)i for one WILL STAND ON THE GATE!!! will??? you or will you drive past me for a few quid????



  2. MINI ME3:41 PM

    listen up drivers this will be the last chance the company without a doubt will try and stall these ballots my saying they going to offer something soon but lets not get fooled we are only approx 10 weeks away from april which is normally the begining of a quite period if they manage to stall it till then , then you can kiss your pay rise and back pay gone for good plus you can expect the threat of more redundancies come april no matter what ..... for fcuks sake ( yes i know its spelt wrong as not to offend ) LETS UNITE AND STAND UP FOR OURSELVES, LETS BACK THE UNION 100% , I FOR ONE AM SICK OF BEING BULLIED AND PRESSURISED INTO DOING DROPS THAT WE ALL GET TOLD NOT TO DO AND HEALTH AND SAFTEY MEETINGS ONLY TO COME ACCROSS THE SAME DROP BOOK IT OFF AND SPEND THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS DELIVERING TO IT BECAUSE OF YES MEN AND WOMEN WHOO WORK IN THE OFFICE .............
