
Attention all drivers!!!

Attention all drivers!!!
If you weren't already worried about what your employer is doing to your terms & conditions then read on.
New starters are being made to sign a contract that has been implemented with no knowledge or consultation from the Union. (sound familiar?) These are some of the terms of the contract.

DRIVER -Although your title is Driver the company can at any time during employment require you to undertake additional or different duties.

PLACE OF WORK - Whilst employees have a nominated base location, it is a condition of their employment that the company may require employees at any time during engagement to travel and work from any of our depots throughout the UK.

HOURS OF WORK - 40 hours per week. The company reserves the right to vary this pattern or to increase or decrease your hours. NOTE - It has been highlighted in several locations that if you work less than 8 hours one day it will be deducted from your weekly overtime. In other words if you worked 6 hours on Monday and 10 hours on Tuesday you would only be paid 8 hours for Tuesday because you owe them 2 hours from Monday!

OVERTIME WORKING - Monday to Friday - Basic rate only, Sat 1.5 Sun 2

LAY OFF - Where work is temporarily stopped for any reason beyond our control, the employee may be temporarily laid off without payment. Immediately work is available again the employee will be notified of the date on which work will be restarted.

SICK PAY - SO poor it's not even worth putting in.

Now do we have your attention? Unless we show this company that we mean business ( which means that we all stick together as one, ) any strength the Union had will collapse completely and then see how much time passes before you are all put on notice to change your terms and conditions for these!!!!!!! Are you confident that they wouldn't do it if they thought they could get away with it? I'm not!!!!



  1. pissed off driver2:50 PM

    I presume that as no one is commenting that you are all happy with this.

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Now we are a big company we have the power to shut the country down like BP and Shell can do to get what they want so lets do it and put this jumped up management under the pressure they now deserve

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Things are not so good for us drivers,i can see big change in march as thats when sucklins wee dont have long to sort this shit out.It is a petrol tanker that i drive not a tin of beans for tescos.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    The PROBLEM is that we have amongst us a large number of GREEDY, SPINELESS TOSSERS THAT WHINGE THEIR ARSESS OFF ,GB OILS cant do this, that is so wrong, oh by the way anyone work Sat?, yes i will "Grunty Grunt, sorry but you make me sick, you will take us all down ,just for a bbit more overtime andd the sad thing is 2 are quids in 1 GB OILS 2 inland revenue GET A LIFE YOU SPINELESS BASTARDS AND STAND UP OR DO YOU SIT TOO PISS????

  5. Very angry driver5:24 PM

    If they put this contract in across the board there would be a mass walkout. I've only worked here a couple of years but it's the worst outfit I've ever worked for by a country mile! Even the staff are pissed off from the office girl to the manager. The plain truth is that just a few people hold ALL of the power within GB Oils and if anyone looks like they might be a threat to those few ( like they show that they have a brain) then they are paid off immediately. I wonder if the bosses in Ireland know what is really going on over here?

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Only a spineless tosser would make comments like that and post it Anonymous. Certain people have to work those extra hours just to keep food on the table for their families. I for one dont blame them. When the day comes for us to ballet. I for one will be saying yes to take action and sort GB Oils out. Certain people think if they go off on one and call honest hard working people names which i would not call my ex. Are the lowest form of human and I would not piss on them if they were on fire. Be smart and dont fight amoung ourselves and when the time comes stand up and be counted. Then and only then can you label people in this way if they ballet with the answer no. Oh one final thought. I have posted Anonymous as I have been on of those Saturday workers (spineless tosser)....

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I reckon you can count on one hand the amount of drivers in GB Oils that are working all the extra hours to "keep food on the table for their families" , now lets be honest here , they are doing it for EXTRA money END OF!! , and it is not helping! us, however it is helping the Greed driven GB Oils , your day is coming up to vote and i am glad you will vote for industrial action , question is WILL YOU STAND ON THE GATE???, I WILL! and if i catch fire i have plenty to help me so dont think you have to piss on me, but on second thoughts i hope you will be on the gate next to me just in case??? wise up all this overtime is for the back pocket in 95% of cases, and i agree that we should not fight amongst ourselves but i am sick of drivers moaning about this and that and then brown nosing the management too make a few quid , whilst long term shooting the bloody foot off, i have made a stand which has cost me i can still put food on my families table but i will not go on holiday this year , but i bet some drivers do!! call me what you want as long as you back up what you say !!! maybe we have a chance???? i post Anonymous to keep the management off my back so i can put food on my families table, but i am no whimp, just sensilble, have a nice day fella i will stand with you on the gate??

  8. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I think all points have been made and will be understood on both sides of the fence. Lets just stand together as that is the only way we will accomplish our goal of getting what we all deserve. Lets now unite and get this done. It will not last long as they are keen on keeping their share holders happy and this ballet will not be doing that. Just vote Yes to industrial action....

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    its people like the above driver who are not engaging their brain.yes you will make a few quid extra in the short term but he is not thinking long term . as for calling drivers lazy maybe he should consider if said drivers are doing their job legally and not running about like a numpty breaking the laws of the road ie speeding(read drivers manual-maybe vosa should be in for an audit it might throw up a few discrepancies)

  10. Anonymous3:00 AM



  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The reason we want a rise is that some of us have not had one for 3 years! Meanwhile this company have made vast profits off the back of our hard work and we dont even get a thank you.

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM

    well stop talking and start walking ! getting cheesed of with some of the ignorant comments on here !!!! all talk !!!!

  13. Anonymous5:59 PM

    we did get a thank you for all our hard work, do you not recall the lovely well thought christmas card from Sam and Co.
