
Reply to a unsigned letter from Ms Foote

Dear Ms Foote

I thank you and acknowledge receipt of your letter of 28th January.

I genuinely believe that at this stage that equally your correspondence has confused me. It is important for me to place on record that this Union does not move permitually or unprofessionally forward with any employer on the question of a consultative ballot for industrial action. Before this Union and indeed myself as the National Secretary moves to such measures, every item of detail is taken into consideration before we make such decisions.

I believe that it is important to remind the Company that the origins of our discussions of last year were bourn out of the fact that the Union at that time was giving serious consideration to balloting its members on the question of industrial action arising out of your Company’s decision to make no pay award whatsoever to any of our members.

Following meetings between ourselves, which I have to say that were both well intended and good spirited and unquestionably making progress with regard to the matter of national bargaining arrangements etc, you will know that constantly the trade union enquired as to the position with regard to any form of pay award to our members for the year 2009. Consistently the Company led myself, the Union representatives and therefore the Unite Union to believe that a decision would be made approximately around the October period. No such decision was forthcoming where we were advised at the meeting in December that a decision was imminent and this Union then requested to be notified of that before 1st January. We felt that it was important to stress the 1st January date as clearly my shop stewards and this Union were under pressure from our members wanting to know what the position was. Only then in January, and after I contacted you again, did you then advise this Union that no pay award would be forthcoming and at the same time and almost before this Union advising your employees of the decision.

The Unite Union has unquestionably demonstrated to you as the employer that some form of award was affordable. The Unite’s position with this has not changed. The communication that was sent to all your employees and indeed me quite frankly was both confusing, could have meant that members got something or absolutely zero. So unfortunately the communication to your employees was utterly confusing in my view and in the view of Union representatives. Neither at any time did the Company write to me quite clearly clarifying that where we had bargaining arrangements it would recognize these bargaining arrangements.

Equally, it also has to be noted that you have not concluded the national bargaining arrangements and therefore it would be obvious to consider that such a matter on conclusion of the new bargaining arrangements with the Unite Union would have been fully discussed before any such circular went live to your employees. Therefore, quite understandably, the Unite Union has seen a lack of respect for both proper process with the Union and a lack of respect and dignity on behalf of our members within this matter. You should therefore be not at all surprised at both the anger of shop stewards and your workers, not in just the decision you have made but to be equally frank, the manner in which you are progressing matters with that of the Unite Union.

The meeting on the 2nd February gives both the Company and the Union an opportunity to state both its position and endeavour to find a way forward. The Union would always prefer dialogue and agreement to conflict. However, in going forward, the views of Unite on behalf of its members must be given weighted consideration where evidently at this stage appears not to.

I conclusion, the meeting of the 2nd provides an opportunity for us to eradicate any confusion and clearly attempt to find a way forward.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Ron Webb
National Secretary, Logistics


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    What was the content of Ms Foote letter

  2. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Is their no news as to what happened at the Feb 2nd meeting
