

Drivers at Southern Countiese have a clause in there contracts that says if they have a blameworthy incident they have to pay £70 for each such incident. Talking with some of the guys at the union it would seem this is probably an illegal clause - what do you think? Have you got anyone facing such a charge? We have one guy who is considering an appeal at the moment.
If any one can help out with this please leave info in the comment box.


  1. It depends whether or not you have signed an agreement to that effect. If not then I suggest you contact your shop steward and give him more info and maybe put in a collective greivance. I have to admit that seems to be very unreasonable. But hey this is GB Oils we're talking about

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Come back SCF (Neil we miss you) GB oils dont gve a hoot about any of us drivers we are all just faceless numbers
