
Chairman report


I would first like to thank the committee members for their sterling work and giving up their own time.

After the meeting to be held in London on the 22nd of this month, we hope to be in a position to circulate a newsletter to all Scottish depots, hoping it generates a response in regards to any points raised.

It would be of great interest to hear through this website, how all other UK regions are progressing with the enrolment of new members and area newsletters.

By issuing a wage freeze GB Oils have managed to unite all UK depots in corresponding with each other in anticipation of what may happen in the future. (Note website: other Oil distribution company pay increases)

On Thursday the 29th of May 2008, Sam Chambers and his entourage visited the Baxter Johnston Dalkeith depot to announce that they were now the new owners. He was asked about his views on the Union and to which he replied – a good relationship.
Has someone moved the goal posts or is GB Oils on their own crusade?

Chairman Scottish Region


  1. A good relationship?!! God be with any organisation that they have a bad relationship with!! This wesite is fantastic and threatens to unite all GB Oils drivers in a common cause, whatever that may be. Spread the word about this blog

  2. Membership is increasing rapidly in my region as more and more drivers get more and more pissed off with being brow beaten by GB Oils. It's around 90% just now.
