
From the NNC

From the comments being made it is clear that there is some confusion with our position. Please read this carefully so that you understand fully what the position is.
The recent pay offer of 3% for one year or 5% for two years has been overwhelmingly rejected. A letter has been sent to the company explaining this and inviting them to meet the NNC and your union with an improved offer.
We are, at this time, awaiting a response from the company.
We have to give the company a reasonable amount of time to respond and as the letter was sent on 19th July I ask you to try your best to be patient and bear with us.
Please understand that we cannot ballot the workforce for industrial action without going through a proper legal process.
If the company respond and have not improved their offer to the members, then you will have the opportunity that we are well aware that you desperately want and get your legal ballot for industrial action.
As soon as we know I will make sure something is posted on the blog so that you are all up to speed. Many thanks 27th July 2010


  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    we are fed up of being patient ! i can speak for all the drivers i know ! as for giving the company time ???????? I THOUGHT THAT TIME WAS UP LAST DECEMBER AS THE UNION TOLD US THAT !! SO COME ON LETS BALLOT OR SHUT UP AND TAKE WHAT IS ON THE TABLE !

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Well said. GB Oils hVE made sure this has dragged on and on and the union seems to be letting it.HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS GOING TO DRAG ON WE ALL WONDER

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Words are very easy my friend. Lets see how you react when the time comes to get tough!!!

  4. Anonymous7:31 PM

    nothing to do with time comes ! time did come last decemember and sure some 1 bottled it ! i can assure you it was not me

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    so what's stopping you from getting on the gate big talk?

  6. Anonymous8:42 PM

    " THE LAW" of the land

  7. Anonymous6:31 PM

    20 months of patience is long enough the shop stewards should never of stopped the ballot in december im part of the UNION but was never asked if i wanted the ballot suspended and here we are 8 months on and right back at the begining i will still back the union but expect to be asked about these decisions and i think i speak for all the members on this
    if this happens again im pulling out i aint paying my dues and not getting a say im sorry but the union is as bad as the pie man a law onto themselves

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    well said that man i totally agree i will be pulling out of the union too,what are we paying our dues for its one deley after another

  9. Anonymous7:53 PM

    dont pull out to soon guys ! the sh*t is really about to hit the fan ! keep the faith at the moment please !

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM

    As of the 4th august 2011 ref the response from diane foote re wages, is no further offer!! lets get this ballot set in motion and show these people our feelings regarding there utter contempt for their drivers.We need to get on them gates before the petrol men go on strike at the refineries.So come on union men are feelings have been made clear.

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    why has the union allowed the company to stop the ballot in scotland ? can someone from the union please explain

  12. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Quite obvious why this is being allowed to drag on and on with no end ....Wonder if anyone from the union has shares in gb oils????

  13. Anonymous5:02 PM

    could the union reply to the above,or one of the shop stewards please

  14. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The ballot was halted by one man north of the border. Apparently it was a cost issue. The company had agreed at the meeting in london on 3rd June to facilitate a ballot to include depot visits. They purely and simply went back on their word. The reality is that we know what the result would have been and I know that's not the point but it has been noted and will be tackled when we next meet. All it did was piss the drivers off even more than they were already. Stick with it boys we are all in this together and judgement day is getting closer. We must stick together on this

  15. Anonymous5:39 PM

    its amazing that one man can do this, so basically your telling us he has more power than the union,surely the union could have balloted
    the scottish drivers through their home addresses i can,t believe the union are letting this happen...our union seem to be struggling to get anywhere with g.b.oils yet they managed to get the british airways unite members issues sorted out..come on unite we are paying our dues,stop playing g.b.oils games and stand up to this bully once and for all, or you will loose the support of your members,i find it hard to believe how long this has been allowed to drag on

  16. Anonymous8:41 AM

    well said above , The union is loosing its credability with its members.SORT IT OUT NOW PLEASE

  17. Anonymous7:44 PM

    It would'nt be so bad if the union communicated more with the members ie use this blog to let us know whats happening now and next instead of having to chase a steward down and being told much of nothing .Most of the time all we have to go on is rumour.

  18. Anonymous8:41 PM

    i think the union are handling this badly the union should be communicating with its members after all its us who pay there fucking wages...and yes i am, and countless other drivers getting as pissed off with the union as they are with the company,like someone previous said HAVE G.B.OILS GOT SHARES IN THIS UNION ?

  19. Anonymous4:11 PM

    From time to time I write articles for this blog to try and tell members what is happening. I can't always say what I want for obvious reasons.Try reading between the lines, that is unless you're too dense to do that! Stewards are working their butts off on your behalf and are doing their best. What really pisses me off are wankers that keep accusing people like me of being on the managements side. We are working with a team of managers that are virtually impossible to handle. If you don't like what I and other stewards are doing then contact me through Fraser, that's if you have the bollocks which I doubt, and I will try and explain to you how difficult we are finding things. Alternatively we could all resign have an easier life and if you think things are bad now, you have no idea just how bad they would be without the union shouting on your behalf. Use your fuckin brains..... If you have any

  20. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Well try using your fuckin mouth and let members know what the union is doing if not on this blog why not have a meeting it's bullshit like you have just posted that has members pisst off why does what the union reps know have to be kept secret I meen if you have met with management they already know.So use your head and stop abusing your members things are bad enough without you being such a prick

  21. Anonymous9:44 PM

    You did'nt answer the question just more abuse.I don't need to know we all do so why so secret.I am not the one stiring things you are so try to chill a bit
