
" From Sam and the Boys"

From the mild weather of late autumn to the severe conditions of December and January onwards, once again the year proved that that the future is always unpredictable. In recent months we have had some of the most severe conditions ever experienced in the British Isles, I myself, and friends of my generation have had difficulty remembering more severe times.

This caused our business many problems; although the influx of orders appears to have benefited our bottom line, actually making the deliveries proved difficult to say the least. The dangerous road conditions meant that our drivers had to be extra careful when making deliveries for the safety of themselves, our customers and the general public. In addition, staff all over the country found it difficult to get to work, in some cases offices and depots had to close. Customer relations became strained and the telephone lines were red hot.

We have had many challenges during the last year, and they have continued into 2010. Reduced volumes and more difficult margins meant that when the order book did start to fill, the logistics of getting to customers was more difficult. The support of all our staff is essential at such times and I would like to thank you all for your efforts over the past months.

Lately we have made a number of acquisitions and there may be a perception amongst staff that the process and finances involved in making strategic purchases is easy. At the same time, I’m aware that there has been a frustration with our decision to hold back on pay increases during 2009. The simple truth is that, as a business, fuel distribution is a low margin industry; only by controlling our cost base can we successfully compete in the marketplace. BP, Shell and Texaco/Chevron have all exited this business because it was no longer financially viable for them to remain. We are competing with smaller family-owned businesses that by their very nature can operate with much lower costs.

The terms and conditions currently enjoyed within GB Oils are in the highest quartile within the fuel distribution business in Britain. We’ll certainly be seeking to improve conditions within 2010 but we need to balance this against the competitive environment in which we are operating. At the same time we need to demonstrate that we are a fair and equitable company to work for and we reward staff at all levels for the efforts that they have put in to the company.

We want staff to take pride in the work they do and enjoy working for GB Oils. Our proposed improvements to internal communications and human resources processes aim to go someway to helping reinforce GB Oils’ culture and develop and sense of community that will not only benefit current employees but appeal to potential future staff members, investors and other stakeholders.

DCC will only allow us to make further acquisitions if we demonstrate that we can integrate our business model in a way that allows us to grow market share, develop customer satisfaction and retain staff morale. These are the ingredients for success and I assume no one wants to work for an unsuccessfully company.

Constructive feedback from our employees is always appreciated and goes a long way to improving communication channels. An anonymous blog does little, if anything, to improve real dialogue within any company. Only by genuine understanding of the company vision and we all attempt to participate in a meaningful future.

I thank you all for your commitment to customers, to your colleagues and to the company and I am confident that we can build a better shared future throughout 2010.


Sam Chambers


  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    i totally understand Sam ! im willing to take a pay cut no problem ! so that the shareholders can enjoy more of the benefits that we drivers earned through the long hard winter !

    cheers Sam you enjoy your big bonus

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM


  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    as a long term employee i am so in agreement with all the disgruntled drivers , our depot has consistently tried to keep loyal customers happy in spite of the obstacles the company keep putting in our way . when we complain how we are losing all our good customers we are told it is nothing to do with drivers and sales managers will sort it out !!thats a laugh as we have never met our sales manager or talked to any management for ages . yes sam its a real pleasure to work for a company that listens to its most valuable employees!!!just wonder if top management really knows what goes on at most depots

  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    dear sam and the boys
    its about time someone at the top got there head out of there arse and looked into the transport department and find out how it takes weeks to get the go ahead to get vehicles repaired. and look at the companys reputation with the garages that do the work.

  5. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The top management does not know what really goes on at depot level, it is kept from them by the glory hunters of middle management of which there are many, one day mark my words this will blow up big style in their faces and they will be shit on like we have been , if the top management haven,t been able too see this then maybe it is good that ther is a change maybe Sam out Paul in is a good thing, maybe not? either way this company is heading for major shit the way it is going , you can only keep losing cusomers the way GB OILS are for so long, after a while you run out of drivers to make redundant! then guess what Sam , Paul,and the rest of the Empire builders ,YOUR OUT ON YOUR ARSE AS WELL!!! but this time its your own fault your only as good as the workers below you and you Jokers are quickly losing good people

  6. Anonymous7:05 PM

    so sam, drivers who work for gb oils are the highest paid in the industry great news as a driver who works for a recently aquired company that should mean a huge pay rise then ?.(yeah right) i don"t think so!!
    you also go on about communicatoin what communicaton so far we have met nobody from gb oils and are still waiting to see if we all still have jobs but you take your time sam after all it must take a while to count your bonuses, mean time we will just keep the profits rolling in

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "We want staff to take pride in the work they do and enjoy working for GB Oils".
    and as long as all the shit lands squarely on the drivers shoulders and we the management are free from blame we'll be more than happy too.

  8. another pissed off driver6:16 PM

    Middle management wouldn't give a shit if they were out on thier arses. They ALL had big fat bonuses last year for "good performance". While you lot had sweet FA. Never make the mistake that they give a toss cos they don't. Any one with info about the transport dept should report it to the main board of DCC and then just maybe shit would fly.

  9. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I dont believe that the board of dcc dont know about the state of transport ie wagons taking weeks months or even years to get repaired as surley our depot managers must complain about !!

  10. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Oh well its May tomorrow and we are all due a visit from the company "it is with regret that we need x amount to come forward for redundancies" theres the thanks for pulling your bollox out in the worst winter ever, and thats been the case for the last 4 years and the company set a letter out in feb thanking us all for our efforts during that trying time in our depot alone " we need the work done get out there oh an if ya smash the truck up its your fault oh but thanks for ya help" complete bollox how many drivers can live there lives on a knife edge like we do more to the point how many people would allow a company to treat them like this, i only know of 700 and they all work for GBoils. i get treated better by the ex wife and she hates me.

  11. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Come on, doom and gloom everywhere!!
    As of the 30th April gb has bought another oil company called Pearts, or somthing.
    So with all this cash to splash they might see fit to give us drivers a pay rise lets say 5% management 5% sounds good to me.

  12. Anonymous11:59 PM

    I work for Pearts and we're all worried about whats going to happen with regard to redundencies etc, I have been reading some of the posts on this forum and am now quite worried about the empire we've joined.. We also have just had our very generous 3% pay increase wooohooo which equates to 26p per hour not much then. There seem to be alot of changes happening at Pearts and with regards to H&S and all looks promising to be honest... this could be better for everyone drivers included... I cant really comment on anyting else as we are new to GB Oils and havent seen anything bad happen so far...

  13. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I like the comment about "we reward staff at all levels" Hmmm as far as i can see my line manager takes all the credit for anything i suggest which makes a difference. I'm sure top management have full intent of rewarding staff who cut costs, increase profits and reduce downtime.. however are you sure the correct person is being rewarded.. simply rewarding your middle management isnt enough... what about the guys on the shop floor who can see whats happening and can see what needs to change?

  14. Driver from Pearts when did you get a pay increase.Was it before you where taken over or after..........

  15. Anonymous7:21 PM

    They were awarded the increase before the offical takeover however GB oils still had the overall say on the amount which as above reads 3%
    was the maximum. The drivers had a meeting yesterday in which a 4 day week was mentioned if work doesnt pick up. Lets hope sales get off there arses and sell.
