


This is a Joint Statement issued following a meeting of GB Oils Ltd and UNITE, on 2nd February 2010.

The purpose of this meeting was to further discuss and agree the structure of the National Negotiating Committee (NNC) and Framework and also to discuss the recent correspondence between the Union and the Company and the Union’s intention to ballot members in regard to industrial action.

The Union confirmed that their members have requested and support the setting up of the NNC and a National Framework for bargaining, consultation and communication and requested that the Company take no further action in regard to any pay reviews for 2010 until the Framework is agreed and the Union have put forward a structured pay claim.

The Company agreed to this and in this regard a National Conference of union representatives will take place on 24th March 2010 in order that they may consult on the claim to be put to the Company. Attendees are yet to be agreed.

A meeting of the NNC will then be arranged towards the end of March/beginning of April to negotiate the award.

Following negotiation the Union will ballot their members in regard to the proposed award and the Company will liaise directly with all non-union members.

Once a decision has been reached, the Company will liaise with representatives of each of the individual Brand contracts to discuss how the award will be applied locally at their respective anniversary dates.

In order to continue the work on the National Framework, the Company have agreed to submit a proposed document in line with the issues raised at this meeting and a further meeting has been arranged to take place on 24th February 2010, where it is hoped that the final Framework will be agreed.

It should be noted that Terms and Conditions of employment do not form part of this Framework and neither the Company nor the Union have entered into any discussion on this matter.

As a result of the progression made at this meeting, the Union have agreed to suspend the proposed ballot of members regarding industrial action.

Issued on

UK Group Transport Manager Head of HR UNITE National Secretary


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Lets string along again so the company can go behind the unions back yet again

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    another delaying tactic until the busy period has passed again !!! the drivers at our depot have worked so hard to keep customers happy and yet its another kick in the teeth for all the effort we have put in over the last years . have never felt so low and the other drivers at other depots feel the same . what a way to treat loyal hardworking drivers !!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    well folks, the time has come to make a choice, do we sit back and allow ourselves to be treated like children by oppressive bullies or do we say this is an unacceptable practice and it must stop, its our choice, not theirs

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    why was the ballot stopped this is another con from the company they are laughing at us and cant believe we have been sucked in again

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    both of the previous comments are absolutely right, just work your butts off through the winter and we,ll negotiate your non existent pay rises in the summer boys, (ha ha ha ha they fell for it again sam)

  6. Senior steward11:27 AM

    I totally agree and I think we have all got the message by now that the company have no regard for any of their employees including us drivers. The stewards are doing their very best to pin the company down but rest assured if things don't move forward positively at the next few meeting we will have no alternative to ballot the membership

  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    UNACEPTABLE, You as our representatives should listen to your members and WE WANT A BALLOT NOW.Then maybe the A**eholes at GB Oils might listen

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Totaly agree with UNACEPTABLE above ballot the members on industrial action do it Now as we are being stiched up again or i will be giving myself a monthly wage rise and Unite will be getting a monthly DECREASE

  9. Anonymous9:27 PM

    All i can say is that after 25 years in this industry I finally joined the union about 6 months ago. Since joining, all my reasons for not joining in the first place have been confirmed.
    This arrangement means that gb oils have the union just where they want them.

  10. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I totally agree with above, GB oils have the Union right where they want them, by the short and curlies....The union seems week on this and doesnt reflect the oppinion of the workforce

  11. Senior steward4:57 PM

    As a hardworking, dedicated and long serving senior steward I really am dismayed by the previous 2 comments. Could either of you explain in detail to me how having an agreement that gives us national negotiating rights and a line of communication from the member, his depot steward, his regional steward right up to the NNC and the top man in the transport sector of Unite, means that GB Oils have the union where they want them?

  12. Anonymous3:56 PM

    GB Oils are constantly playing the stalling game,as soon as mention of a ballot is mentioned, they come in with this and that. This has been going on for FAR TOO LONG. We were promised answers in December. We all know what the end outcome will be with more redundancies as soon as the weather warms . Does anyone think that the workforce will remain at the same level as it is now when GB Oils cant do without us...I dont think so. Its all Delay Delay Delay tatics!

  13. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I now people feel frustrated, but we must TRUST the Union. I have been a member for many years and dealing with GB OILS will take time.

  14. Anonymous9:17 PM

    well folks i recently became an ex gb oils driver, by my own choice may i add, and have been offered 7 different jobs that pay more than £10.31p an hour (guess which gb oils company i worked for ?), tanker drivers are among the top 6% of drivers, but gb oils drivers are certainly not treated in this manner, but heads up folks and look over the brow of the hill, start saving your pennys its time to take them on or do as i was once told at a meeting, "if you dont like it, you know where the door is" and guess what its really nice not having to lie to customers about additives or why are you driving a different companies lorry and driving something that wont explode underneath me is bliss, there is actually life after gb oils, you have nothing left to lose
