
More sad tails

Kingsbury drivers were put on notice of redundancy last week after the region was told to make savings of around £140,000 because they are not making enough profit.
This week 2 drivers were made redundant! They are now 8 drivers down on the same time last year.
It seems that managers can make bad decision after bad decision and when things go belly up who has to suffer? THE DRIVERS!!!!!!!!!
It's stark staringly obvious to everyone with half a brain that things just aren't right within GB Oils but the incompetence just keeps on rolling along. Oh for the good old days when our respective companies were run by people that actually knew what they were doing.

A very very concerned employee

I am a driver for GB Oils and am concerned about our future! we post comments on here and do so thinking our jobs are at risk because so, i am sure GB Oils management look here , you dont put any comments are so cock sure you are right , come out into the open ,talk , we do know what we are doing you know, do not treat us as "you are a driver just drive" because we know the ground beter than you ever will get on here talk too us if you dont we Can make a mess of you and thats where is goimg , you dont realise you have a lot of good people but you treat us like sh*t! , then you get sh*t back ,sorry!!! editor post this on main wall if you like.


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    now this is what every driver who, works for gb oils thinks, are we all wrong? can ths Union of ours that is taking our monthly payments get of its fat lazy arse and at least make the very nice people that are currenly running this company into the ground aware of what a real **** up they are doing because there is only one way this is heading an thats to industrial action , and the biggr GB gets the stronger we are unless you are up their bum , and when you read that you know who you are , and you arn,t worth the steam off my ****

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    it's about time the union started cdoing something on our behalf.Stop fart arsin about and lets sort this GB oils out once and for all !!

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    drivers we are the union its up to us to tell our shop stewards we want something done ! but you have to stick together !! so come on tell the men in charge what we want ,

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Very easy words guys. Instead of criticising your steward why don't you contact Fraser Ross and offer your help. From a steward that works tirelessly on your behalf. IN MY OWN TIME!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

