
gb oils has a duty of care to its employees

You may or may not be aware that there is in your GB Oils Drivers handbook a part that says personal mobile phones must not be carried in the vehicle, there has been disagreement on this matter for some time now, it has been said that this will now be enforced and anyone caught will be disiplined, now get of your cloud and engage brain, i do understand that drivers with ear plugs in while driveing is not good, so if you catch them doing this then fine, caught using your phone while driving , well the country has a law for this, then fine,But picture this you are delivering to a farm ( dangerous places) no one is about so you carry out your safe delivery assesment , all seems fine as farms go , delivery made , more lovely loot for GB Oils you come down the ladder in a safe and ordely way then "Bang" a sheepdog comes from no where , you jump back ,"OH SSSSSHIT i have justbacked on to a rustey spike that has just gone through the inside of my leg just under the family allowance, Fear not i can ring 999 from my mobile , OH SSSHIT i was not allowed to bring it with me , and also this sheep dog is still havin a chew on me, but i cant move off this spike or i WILL bleed too DEATH because the spike has gone through the main arterey , but its ok i can ring on my cab phone, but no i cant move off the spike as it is the only thing that is stopping the bleeding!, dont worry i think,(will i ever see my lovely wife and kids again , or am i stuck with this fuking sheep dog? then it comes too me in a warm light with angels and sparkaly things ,DON,T WORRY GB OILS DRIVER WE ARE WATCHING YOU ON THE TRACKER and after 1hr plus another we MIGHT? think something is wrong so we may ring you on yourcab phone, but you dont answer? well i,m sure you,ll have to have ameeting to sort that one out. but then ther is something i forgot to say it is 6.45 PM ON a Friday and you have all gone home too YOUR WIVES AND KIDS !! never mind that will be 1 less driver too pay come Mon , i for one WILL carry my mobile for personal use in my time andalso as a form of contact in times of emergency, if i am too be disiplined for this then i will take it to a tribunal , GB OILS HAS aduty of care to its employees, i think they need to rember this , dont forget that we are still all not paid for our meal breaks , but are expected to stay in the wagon as a unpaid security guard, do G B really want too get into that as well???IF DRIVERS USE PERSONAL MOBILES , WHILE DRIVING OR FOR LISTENING TOO MUSIC WHILE DRIVING AND GB OILS HAVE STILL ENOUGH IMAGE MEMORY ON THEIR DIGITAL CAMERAS THEN FINE ,DO THEM BUT DON,T GET REALLY STUPID!!!! ITS COMING TOO A DEPOT NEAR YOU UNLESS YOU PROTEST LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND PASS THIS ON


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    your also not allowed to use your hands free whilst driving according to your hand book so maybe we should stop doing that also ! better still lets all turn our cab phones off untill we are stopped in a safe place :) n

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    we deliver in remote places with no mobile signal,i once got a puncture and had to walk 3 miles to get a signal,luckily i had my own mobile phone with me and i could call out A.T.S. if i hadn,t had it with me i,d probably still be there now, the same thing happened to another driver in our depot ,with a breakdown...i for one will be carrying my mobile with me,purely for this reason

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Strange one this? i have had the depot ring my personal mobile about work matters when out of contact on my cab phone , double standards at work here, i will also carry my mobile.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    not strange just gb oils bringing in yet another load of shite rules probly spend thousands on training people on how to leave your mobile at home?still wont give us pay rise though

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh well i often, and iam talking at least 3 or 4 times a week us my personal mobile to the companys benefit, whaen i am at a drop where i am not sure it is the coreect address i ring the number and but my ear to the letter box and listen for the phone ringing to confirm i am at the right address, oh well that stops now and the deliverys go back, yet another case of these loy blowing their own foot off again!!

  6. Anonymous8:30 PM

    why doesn,t the union fight this with the company its a safety issue for the driver,if the cab phone hasn,t got a signal,at least we can walk till we get a signal if we are carrying our own mobile, to ring for assistance....fair enough if a driver is stupid enough to use his mobile when he,s driving then he,s breaking the law and deserves to be disciplined..we are all adults and professional drivers and deserve to be treated as such..

  7. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I think the comment above has hit the nail right on the head GB Oils have too stop treating us as kids and start treating us as adults and professionals, then maybe they will listen and if we are all very very good, they might? start too learn something

  8. Anonymous3:44 PM

    it doesn't really matter how GB treat us as it seems we are never going to get a ballot to do something about them.All there is is talk talk talk, we want ACTION. MR UNION are we going to get some??

  9. Anonymous4:21 PM

    if every driver employed by G.B Oils refuses to abide by this stupid rule and continues to carry there mobile phone,what can they (the company)do they can,t sack every driver....lets stick together and stop this bullying,surely the union should be backing us on this and the driver reps should be putting the drivers side across at the forums with the management,after all we all use our mobiles at times for the benefit of the company i.e.ringing the customers telephone and pressing our ears against windows to see if were at the right address so we can make the delivery and make more money for G.B.Oils..

  10. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Is there a reason we are not getting a ballot?
    And why do the union reps not seem to go whats going on when asked.I have spoke to two reps one has'nt been told anything the other seems to know but won't tell as if it is secret and he is on the nnc.Somebody needs to start explaining where we go from here or union support will start to fall. Come on union reps get us motivated.

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I will always carry my mobile for all the above reasons and:-

    cuz it is company policy! All through the handbook it says about not having a mobile until your tanker is stolen - at that point you need to call the office ON YOUR PERSONAL MOBILE!!

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    well if you read the company policy on hijacking it states we can use our mobiles regardless of what they say in the handbook but whatever we do it will be wrong.

  13. Anonymous9:34 PM

    For Information:
    I spoke to the DGSA today it is not against the law to carry a personal mobile phone/ lighter/ welding torch in your cab. It may be against company policy, but it is their policy; do so at your own risk. Do NOT use a personal mobile phone to do them any favours; it will be used against you. If you cannot use the cab-phone to report a breakdown or unsatisfactory delivery then take your own sweet time and think about how you can report your situation within ADR. As for delivery problems; bring the ticket and the fuel home.

