

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Union":

What a surprise January has arrived with still no news of an offer, I respect all the time and effort of all the union representatives, but the company are treating both them and us with contempt and a total lack of respect.

A deadline is a deadline, time for them to put their cards on the table so we all know where we stand, and what. If any action we as employees are prepared to take.


Well Drivers this poster is asking what are you the work force willing to do to get what you think you deserve. The Union knows what part it has to play

Let me ask you a few questions
Q (1) Are you one of these drivers willing to work up to fifteen hours a day.

Q (2) Are you one of these drivers that break the law speeding to get your load out.

Q (3) Are you one of these drivers that are willing to start early but get no extra for it

Q (4) Are you one of these drivers that will go the extra mile for the company for free

Q (5) Are you one of these drivers that think that if you don’t go the extra mile that you will get paid off.

Well if you have answered yes to any one of the above questions then that is why the company is treating you all with total DISRESPECT.
As in any big company if you don’t have to DON’T

So the company is playing the time game with us all, we just have to be as clever as them and work to the company’s safe practise, drive to the speed limit, don’t be greedy have a home life, if you are not getting paid for it don’t do it, as for going the extra mile look what have happened to the driver up in Scotland.

You not the Union have the power to get what you think you deserve.
But if the Union don’t go about it in the right way the company will run to their Lawyers and block any industrial action that you want if we don’t follow proper steps. Look what happened to B.A


  1. Senior Steward9:14 AM

    Those are fair comments. Your union offers you the opportunity to have strength in numbers and the legal umbrella that allows you to protect yourselves against reprisals when you take on the might of the company you work for. The union can negotiate as long as the company wants to play ball. What it can't do is make the company give you a rise in pay. YOU CAN!!! Drivers who stand by and watch thier workmates get paid off and then work extra hours and come in on Saturdays because the company don't have the drivers to cope with the extra work, really don't help the cause and as long as that goes on the company will continue to treat us the way they do. There is only so much we as stewards can do. If you want to take action against the company then we will make that happen but you have to stand together!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The way this lot at Gb oil's mess us about we all need to stick together to get what we want.
    They say 1 thing then do another.

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    As driver i think we have all been patient enough, they said they would give us a answer in december that time as come and gone and still no work, i think its time now that the union forget trying to get them round the table to talk they just stalling. it time to BALLOT and find out where all the drivers stand, i have my name down to work sat in jan but im affraid i will be withdrawing my name first thing in the morning ,why should i keep my word when they cant keep theres... we dont want to strike but i think there no other choice,,,we need to start the ball rolling and soon

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Well back to work today oh what fun!!!! i wonder how many fecking dickheads are still out there working. 10hrs was more than i wanted.With the snow and ice that we are geting this robbing Bes are filling there pockets (G B oils)and what do we get!!! yes thats right sod all well i for one am sticking to 10hrs a day and sod the rest of the DH
    what thanks will u get if you go of the road!!! yes a fecking written warning.

  5. Anonymous7:56 PM

    well if we dont get an answer by close of play tomorrow i and the rest of my colleagues here will be working very slowly indeed and doing as little over time as we can get away with legally

  6. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Too many drivers are carving up the job and making things difficult for the rest. For the sake of all our jobs STOP DOING IT! This company will carry on treating us like s##t as long as you suckers keep working 60 hours plus Saturday. You know who you are and so do we.

  7. Furious driver9:08 PM

    This company will be lucky to have any drivers working normally by this time next week. I'm thinking they need to tread very very carefully. We've had enough of being treated like this and the time has come to show them what we are made of!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW

  8. Anonymous6:22 PM

    The time has come for you stewards to start the ball rolling for us. We want and need to show this company that we are NOT gonna be messed about any more.We mean business and if need be we'll bring these greedy pigs to their knees because believe me we do have that power!


    can we ballot for strike now !!! this is fast becoming a joke there treating us like little children,,,come on drivers lets stand up and be counted PAY US WHAT YOU OWE US OR WE BALLOTT
