

As expected the news from Thursdays meeting concerning the pay review has not been received well by the members. Fraser is absolutely right, we have to give the company the amount of time that was agreed to give us a yes or a no. A yes we can all cope with. A no will have to managed in a measured and professional way and we as stewards are under no illusions, we know what we have to do and as we are democratic in our union we will be following the feelings and opinions of the majority. Rest assured!!!!!!
Other aspects of the meeting last Thursday were very positive indeed and we now have a structure in place which is a big step forward and a firm foundation from which to build. I will be able to tell you more once a joint statement has been issued which hopefully will be in the next few days.
I would also like to congratulate Fraser Ross for doing a fantastic job setting up and running this Blog site for all of our benefit. He has kept us informed and given us a few smiles as well. I wish Fraser and all of our members a very Merry Christmas

NNC steward

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