

To: GB Oils Representatives

Dear Colleagues

GB Oils Threatening Letter

Further to my letter and response to Ms Foote, I have been advised of the following from our solicitors of which states:

A blatant area of misrepresentation however concerns the reference to employment being terminated. Ms Foote states that whilst on strike an employee would be in breach of their contract of employment and as such their employment may be terminated. At one level this may be correct, but as you know when an employee is absent taking part in industrial action supported by a lawful ballot they receive special protection for several months during which time they cannot simply be dismissed. In addition, an employer dismissing workers and indicating collective re-engagement of workers after industrial action has to act in a particular way so that the simple statement that employments may be terminated whilst an individual is on site is a gross over simplification of what is a complex area of law.

Please note the wording a blatant area of misrepresentation has been put forward by the Company.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    another blatant attempt to bully the workforce, did ms foote attend the same management training courses as a certain regional man in the south west
