

Brothers we will hopefully be announcing the new union structure within GB Oils within the next week or so. There have been lots of members coming forward from all regions wishing to be part of the new structure and the membership is increasing rapidly which is very encouraging for all of us. We fully understand that some of you feel frustrated with what you see as delaying tactics by the management. It is vitally important that we get the new structure absolutely right for all of us and this takes time. We all need to stay calm, measured and patient. We are asking you all to have an input into this years pay claim and if you haven't already had contact with a steward please do so as soon as possible to give your feedback from your depot on what you think is a fair claim for this year, bearing in mind that there was no award for 2009 despite huge profits.

The forthcoming meeting on 24th March will be the first of its kind and it will be at this meeting that all of the member’s feedback will be considered and the pay claim for this year will be formulated. By now we should all be accustomed to pay negotiations dragging on and we don't expect this year to be any different. When we do reach a settlement remember that it will be back dated to your individual anniversary dates and don't forget that the company will be releasing their profits around May time. We are all working tirelessly on your behalf and we ask you to give us your trust and support and if we all stand together, which is the very reason we are part of the union, we can achieve our goal.


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    we will be supporting our steward 100% and if the rest of the country has any sense they will do the same. We all need to stand side by side in this. BACK YOUR UNION!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    having felt totally frustated with the ongoing delaying tatics from GB Oils,I hope that there is now a light at the end of the tunnel.There have been some unjust,but understandable negative comments towards the Union, but these have been said in total frustration of the ongoing and delaying negotioations as they have dragged on and on.Hopefully there is now going to be a Satifactory end outcome

  3. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I take my hat off to all stewards. It's a thankless task and you must all get hassle from both sides and you have my admiration. Well done

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    congradulations to the idiot driver from inverness ! he did 2 trips to wick and back today ! tipped on his breaks ! if he had been involved in a accident he could have gone to jail at worst ! oh and we might have lost some operators licences ! stick together us lot !!! lol you are having a laugh ! the management know this happened today will they do something or will they just laugh up there sleaves ????

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    well from what we hear in our depot it seems to be the norm up there in Inverness !!

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Sorry to sound ignorant but where is Wick and how many hours and miles are we talking about? And I hope our main man is not aware of this........ or is he?

  7. Going by Google maps it is near the end of Scotland and two trips are just under 700km.
    some shift?

  8. Anonymous9:24 PM

    How about the fact that the Inverness drivers are being given rediculous runs in the first place.Too much work not enough drivers!!I know they dont have to do it all,but we all know what its like!

  9. Anonymous9:42 PM

    sounds like a lawless place up north

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    why can this driver not be named and shamed ???

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    has anything been done about this so called driver up in inverness ????????

  12. Anonymous6:09 PM

    driver! or drivers ???????? is it not two dipsticks up in Inverness

  13. Anonymous7:11 PM

    the driver who did 2 wicks in day did nothing wrong he had his breaks !! not when he was loading or discharging ! so get your facts right ! mayb the rest of you should get your butts into gear and do some work

  14. Anonymous1:44 PM

    no not a ass wipe i get paid to work ! not to sit in laybys

  15. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Get your facts right !
    Well you cant call this driver lazy!!! Mad yes but lazy no .Two runs to Wick by Google maps work out at about 828 km at 64.3 kph (40mph) equals 13 hrs driving legal. Lets say about 1 hr for loading (Full load) another 2 hrs for getting the loads of (Full loads) and at 13hrs driving you need two legal breaks of 1.30hrs 2x45 minutes so in total 17.30hrs? (or less 1hr for small loads) is the max not 15hrs in total for one day.
    I think its about time VOSA paid a visit to your depot and to all the other depots that break the law. In the end it’s your jobs that will be on the line not the mangers.

  16. Anonymous11:57 AM

    cut the guy some slack ! if we are honest the vast majority of truck drivers speed ! and the goverment dont want it any other way or we would cause choas on the roads ! so come on let this driver go about his work and leave him alone

  17. Anonymous7:12 PM

    This must be from the company no driver would make a Statement like this.
    So If you get stopped just tell the Policemen that it is okay.Thats what the Goverment whats and see what Happens ? So send them to the blog as it says its okay to speed on the blog.

  18. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I totally agree. Maybe VOSA should be informed then we will all know for sure. By the way I think a few of these comments sound like they came from the p~~ ***er or one of his little lap dogs

  19. Anonymous7:58 PM

    How did the meeting go?



  21. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Obviously nothing happened maybe its been put back again as these things take time as the union keeps telling us.How long is long enough next year or maybe the the year after who knows

  22. Anonymous12:50 PM

    yeh yeh yeh so we keep being told it takes time !!!! well i will tell you all that dcc make huge profits ! as if you dont know this already ! but we work for bullies ! and you have to stand up to bullies ! can any one tell me is there any other unions we can join that might fight for there members !

  23. Anonymous2:04 PM

    couldn't agree more, we again are being fobbed off and should demand a ballot for strike action before its too late

  24. Anonymous5:38 PM

    It is to late, we have missed the boat its summer now, Oh and right or wrong all we had to say was 870k in a day at the top of scotland cant be done on there road network ive done it loads of times in the past, but slagging each other off is just what the manegers love to see for as long as we do that there laughing more at that than the pay negs!
