

Dear Anonymous Member. In reply to your comment. Comment reads "The stewards have been consulting the members nationwide over a number of weeks on their initial views regarding industrial action against the company".
I have not heard from or been consulted in the last two years at least, let alone weeks.
If it was not for loss of lisence insurance I would wonder where my money goes!

Your Union is only as strong as you the membership make it. I would like to apologise to that you are not getting the support that you should have. But have you been in contact with your Shop Steward ? or your local Branch telling them how you feel, as a lot of the Shop Stewards are new and are not all up to date with all the membership
As to where your money goes well it help's out with a lot of things for you the Drivers Ie Help's to pay your Speeding fines,provides legal help,Help's financially when you have had a Accident at work, Helps to make up the shortfall of wages to the shop Stewards when they go of to meetings and alot more.

So if you would like to send me your contact details i will be more than happy to pass them on to the Shop Steward that look's after your region.
Kind regards Fraser Ross

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